
Boxelder bugs
Boxelder bugs

BIOLOGYĪdults are 1/2 inch long, elongated, oval, and flattened on top. The major concern over boxelder bugs is when they congregate on the sides of or enter into buildings and are a nuisance to people. They generally do not injure ornamentals. Large populations generally develop only on female (seed-bearing) boxelder trees and relatives, where they feed primarily on the developing seeds. They can cause fruit injury similar to that of late-season stink bug feeding, such as dimples, scarring, and fruit deformation. However, when large numbers of young bugs are observed on boxelder trees, insecticidal sprays will reduce the number that reach maturity and become nuisance pests during the fall, winter, and spring.Boxelder bugs are generally not pests of great concern in fruit orchards however, adults can damage fruit when large numbers migrate into orchards in search of overwintering sites in the late summer and fall. Plants are seldom injured seriously enough to justify insecticidal control. When planting shade trees, preference should be given to species other than boxelder, their preferred host. Wide-area removal of boxelder trees is not suggested, as the shade value of these trees is more important than the nuisance caused by the bugs. However, since the adults are good flyers, even homes at a considerable distance from host trees may be invaded. Removing boxelder trees from the premises may help reduce boxelder bug numbers. Test the mixture first on an inconspicuous spot before application as it might stain cedar and other siding. The soap mixtures kills only the bugs sprayed, but does not prevent others from coming to the site.

boxelder bugs

The spray consists of about 1/2 cup of a laundry detergent in one gallon of water applied by a hand sprayer or squirt bottle directly on the boxelder bugs as often as necessary. Some homeowners report effective, cheap control by spraying a soap mixture on the nymphs and adults as they begin congregating in late summer. They do not damage food or other items in the home, nor do they bite humans or pets. Inside the home boxelder bugs may stain curtains and walls. Large numbers may be seen around foundations when seeking entry. When seeking an overwintering site, boxelder bugs often enter buildings through small openings around windows, doors, conduits, and pipes and through small cracks in or above the foundation. Activity continues well beyond frost as insects sun themselves on vertical walls on warm fall afternoons. After maturing, second generation adults seek overwintering sites. These adults lay eggs for a second generation. Nymphs suck plant sap until mid-summer when they mature into adults. Bright red nymphs hatch from eggs in 10 to 14 days. Other eggs may be laid on deposits of boxelder, ash, maple or elm seeds which accumulate near the home. In the spring, after emerging from overwintering sites, adult females deposit small, red, oval eggs on host plants.


Boxelder bugs have also been observed on male boxelder, ash, maple and occasionally on strawberries, grasses, and various other plants, but they usually are incapable of full development on these hosts.

boxelder bugs

The primary host plant of the boxelder bug is the female (seed-bearing) boxelder tree where they feed by sucking plant juices.

Boxelder bugs